/** * @preserve Flux Slider v1.4.4 jQuery Widget * http://www.joelambert.co.uk/flux * * Copyright 2011, Joe Lambert. * Free to use under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ (function($) { $.widget("joelambert.flux", { _create: function() { var _this = this; this.slider = new flux.slider(this.element, this.options); }, start: function() { this.slider.start(); }, stop: function() { this.slider.stop(); }, isPlaying: function() { return this.slider.isPlayer(); }, next: function(t, o) { this.slider.next(t, o); }, prev: function(t, o) { this.slider.prev(t, o); }, showImage: function(i, t, o) { this.slider.showImage(i, t, o); }, getImage: function(i) { return this.slider.getImage(i); } }); }(jQuery));